RATES what is going on

If you circle back to the statement I made about the industry having it own governing body, ( not the Government or Trucking associations)then that elected board, could take control of the decision making to enforce the existing or new laws to be put in place, and stream out the companies that are dipping the industry into the cesspool,and allow these companies that take pride in this industry, to succeed and be rewarded for their services provided....regulation makes alot of unstable companies ill at ease.
The financial cost may with all the legalities involved, may hurt early, but after all the sewage is diverted, it will be along term financial gain, and it will be the best for all involved, and will allow this industry to develop a reputation that MAY and I say MAY intrigue the millennials insert their widescreen in the bunk, and make Trucking an occupation to be proud of...gonna take time and dedicated people...but this industry has been around a long time,like prostitution, and it will live on for many years to come. Just like everything else that gets old, the regulation standards and laws would need to be polished,and then run and governed by that elite group.

Once again my opinion. :)

While you will have a 'governing body' that will help all the players in the league (transportation) play fairly, you should expand the rule makers to include fully unionized employees, not just drivers but also all admin, sales, etc. because why should the teams have rules and not the players? The unions can be sure to negotiate (as a whole, not per company) wages, benefits and time off because the governing body has made rules for all companies, the unions should also set the rules for all employees, you know to ensure a fair playing field. After all, they will want to ensure that the ownership of the team/company have nothing left at the end of the year but a pot to piss in. Sorry if this didn't come out right, here's what I'm getting at:

I'm going to go ahead and echo what others are saying: there was a time in the past for regulation, but no longer. For people that jump in when it's hot with no business sense, no plan, no employee ongoing training and no long term goals beyond 'look how high rates are right now', burn in the heat - the good carriers that have a diverse group of clients, that do what they say, treat all customers freight as priority and call when there is a problem have nothing to worry about because they will outlast the newbs.

Here I go again, it's late in the day and feel like a scotch will calm me down...
Keep well,
If you circle back to the statement I made about the industry having it own governing body, ( not the Government or Trucking associations)then that elected board, could take control of the decision making to enforce the existing or new laws to be put in place, and stream out the companies that are dipping the industry into the cesspool,and allow these companies that take pride in this industry, to succeed and be rewarded for their services provided....regulation makes alot of unstable companies ill at ease.
The financial cost may with all the legalities involved, may hurt early, but after all the sewage is diverted, it will be along term financial gain, and it will be the best for all involved, and will allow this industry to develop a reputation that MAY and I say MAY intrigue the millennials insert their widescreen in the bunk, and make Trucking an occupation to be proud of...gonna take time and dedicated people...but this industry has been around a long time,like prostitution, and it will live on for many years to come. Just like everything else that gets old, the regulation standards and laws would need to be polished,and then run and governed by that elite group.

Once again my opinion. :)
I think I see where you're going with this. So, what you're saying is start an organization, ask all trucking companies across the country to be members, and have an election of leaders from the rolls of the paying members? Then those that are elected make all the rules for all the paying members, and subsequently police those rules? If you are not a paying member, then you cannot participate in either over the road transportation or brokerage? Am I getting this right so far?
I think I see where you're going with this. So, what you're saying is start an organization, ask all trucking companies across the country to be members, and have an election of leaders from the rolls of the paying members? Then those that are elected make all the rules for all the paying members, and subsequently police those rules? If you are not a paying member, then you cannot participate in either over the road transportation or brokerage? Am I getting this right so far?
Except the rules don't apply to **everyone**. Sounds good let's do it.
Interesting that when you click on the link you are directed to the CTA, the association of all the Provincial Trucking associations. No surprise, they have been lobbying against Driver Inc for quite a while.
but this industry has been around a long time,like prostitution, and it will live on for many years to come.
Nobody plans to be a prostitute. It is a career that is fallen into by happen chance and since the money is good some are hooked into it for life or until they can't do it any more.

Trucking has become a similar career. Very few grow up saying they want to be a truck driver, they have much bigger aspirations but when that fails them they stumble into the profession and find themselves hooked.

As @Michael Ludwig said earlier, we have to come up with ways to make our industry shine to potential high school graduates who are looking for direction.
Rates not getting any better and cost of operating going higher.
things not adding up. hard to pay bills with these rates currently
It is going to get worse before it gets better. Automotive plant shut downs are usually early in July and QC construction holiday, which a lot of manufacturers also observe, is July 23-Aug 5, 2023. We usually see drops in freight volumes which adds more pressure to pricing.

The US Fed Bank noted yesterday that at least two more rate hikes are expected this year. BOC usually follows in step with the US. I don't know what is driving inflation more now - are interest rates a significant portion of product price increases?

2024 is an election year in the US and my experience tells me that in years that the US election is progressing there is not much movement in freight volume increases until a winner is announced. 2024 may also bring our Canadian federal election. Any time there are elections, the freight volumes stay stagnant. I don't know why or how but it always seems to be the case.

In conclusion, don't expect things to change much before mid to end 2024....dark clouds for a while more.
My suggestion to all the carriers out there is….don’t be a part of the problem. Say no to rates that are non compensatory. In other words, do not run your vehicles at a loss. Accepting a crappy paying load only perpetuates the suffering for everyone, especially for you!. Each time a carrier says yes to a low rate, whether they realize it or not, they have established a benchmark that some shippers and some brokers will use going forward. One other thing, don’t think for a minute that the current low rates are some sort of financial windfall for brokers. If anything the opposite is true. With so many carriers offering their services for lower rates, any shipper worth his salt will use that to pressure his current supplier, carrier or broker to toe the line.
It is going to get worse before it gets better. Automotive plant shut downs are usually early in July and QC construction holiday, which a lot of manufacturers also observe, is July 23-Aug 5, 2023. We usually see drops in freight volumes which adds more pressure to pricing.

The US Fed Bank noted yesterday that at least two more rate hikes are expected this year. BOC usually follows in step with the US. I don't know what is driving inflation more now - are interest rates a significant portion of product price increases?

2024 is an election year in the US and my experience tells me that in years that the US election is progressing there is not much movement in freight volume increases until a winner is announced. 2024 may also bring our Canadian federal election. Any time there are elections, the freight volumes stay stagnant. I don't know why or how but it always seems to be the case.

In conclusion, don't expect things to change much before mid to end 2024....dark clouds for a while more.
Starting to see rates inch up US Domestically right now, minimal but on some lanes it is noticeable. Cross-border and Canada has shown no change.

We usually see the freight market start picking up after July 4th. Summer rush on drinks and produce.

Agree with @loaders, brokers are not making huge profits on anything at the moment. Brokers are constantly bickering among themselves and driving rates down. But big profits are not to be had right now.