RATES what is going on

Funny thing is all the US news outlets report that the US economy is chugging along just fine. There seems to be a "disconnect".. transportation is way down.
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Funny thing is all the US news outlets report that the US economy is chugging along just fine. There seems to be a "disconnect".. transportation is way down.
Not really a disconnect. Yes the U.S. economy is chugging along, and I believe expectations are that it will continue to improve.
(That's a lot more than any of us can even hope for where the Canadian economy is concerned. We're F*cked and there's no way around it.)
The current low rate experience is simply one of supply and demand. There are way more trucks in the marketplace than there is freight, evidenced by the demise of Yellow not even making a ripple in the rates.
Consumers are rebuilding savings, and purchasing experiences/services, more than they are buying hard goods. Expectations are that this year's peak season will be nothing to write home to mother about either.