They (carriers) are only doing it too get freight on the wagons. No one was quoting stupid low rates in 2022 where they? No the brokers yes the brokers have driven rates down to keep their bottom lines up TQL CHR etc etc have all went out with the slasher mentality and cut cut cut same as 07 -08 or so they say they have had too anyway, Carrier's will not willingly go out and cut a rate so that it is a money losing load why would you. Brokers on the other hand could care less so long as some slob takes it. Yes dumbasses fault for saying yes, I have always found it funny how it is only the brokers clients that demand freight rates at money losing rates. Carrier clients must be a different breed or so our friends the brokers want us to believe. Yes clients have asked about rates as they have their ears to the ground also but not a one wants it done at 90 cents and a buck some of the asses are offering. Spin it as you may Loaders but you only see what you are doing we carriers see what the rest are up too as well. Big difference and you can defend your cohorts all you wish but far to many are back to being douches all about them. Not all and to the brokers and carrier's paying fair ( not over or under but a rate that has a margin for both parties) thanks.If a broker has received a number of quotes that are less money than what you quoted, it sounds to me like it is you that is out of touch, not the broker . I am not now, nor would I ever defend cut rate, low ball brokers, but in todays more aggressive marketplace, many carriers are quoting rates for some lanes at much lower prices than a year ago. As well, it is not the brokers responsibility to “consider pick up/delivery costs”, that is your job and to quote your services accordingly. Remember, it is only a crummy, low, stupid rate until a carrier accepts it, then it becomes the market rate for that lane on that day.