Just as there is no “perfect“ carrier or broker, there is also no “perfect” customer. I fully agree that it used to be quite common for the incumbent supplier to maintain the business every time a new bid process was announced. Today however, price trumps service and lanes can be lost for $50 or less. Most often, the customer does not even take the time to ask if you could match this new, lower rate. “Doing the job right” used to be high on the list of requirements for most customers. I am sorry to say that it has sunk in the rankings and has been replaced with “lowest possible price”. A perfect example of this is the procedure used by consultants such as Nulogx. They describe to the customer this modern, tech driven process that magically selects the best carriers for each of the shippers lanes resulting in astronomical savings. In effect all they do is open a bid and receive quotes from all of the suppliers and award the lanes to the lowest bidder. Most large firms, especially public ones are required to employ the most cost efficient methods possible to maximize returns to shareholders. As margins get squeezed and competition increases, reliable, dependable service and supplier loyalty are the first casualties.