The final bid was $96.00, and it was awarded. Like @Rob said, it will be back up in a couple weeks.Would love to know the final price
The final bid was $96.00, and it was awarded. Like @Rob said, it will be back up in a couple weeks.Would love to know the final price
They have more than that - once had quoted $1500 over their booking (CA-MB) and actually got a call back asking for my truck - but it was long gone... lesson learned they have a marginperfect example of TQL greed. They had this posted since Wednesday, and we did have a truck for this, in the morning. Called in and they said, we are moving these for $225 usd all day long. Cool hung up and moved on, ended up getting $550 CAD for 12 skids so trucks gone. Now they post it up for $400.00 USD, and the girl calls me and says we have $600 USD in it and we'll give you it all to cover the load. They'ev been taking a $375 margin on these loads.....oh BTW these go to Amazon in Mount hope, so you know 3 hours free...
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Pick up today and delivery tomorrow and by the time you actual drop in their 401 dixie yard. you are well over 24 hours. Not complaining but asking is it really worth !! I talked to Bison brokers, they said Bison prefer small 2-5 trucks fleet with no trailers. With your trailers obviously you have control over freight plus charge the carrier for using it. Loaded reefer trailer to BC and bring empty back to ON will take about 10 days and a carrier end up paying $700. Whereas you can rent Bison conditioned trailer in 1200 per month these days. So never understand their charges. Carrier always end up paying more.The trailer exchange is charged hourly. No need to worry about $30 or $70 unless you keeping it if for the full 24hrs.
I have done a few of these load in the past in my own trailers for a different rate. The biggest issue is waiting time. They have a cap on how much waiting time they can pay. Once in a while, it goes over the limit and than you are paying out of pocket.
Amazon delivery load most likely. Otherwise I dont see any receiver there in mount hope!perfect example of TQL greed. They had this posted since Wednesday, and we did have a truck for this, in the morning. Called in and they said, we are moving these for $225 usd all day long. Cool hung up and moved on, ended up getting $550 CAD for 12 skids so trucks gone. Now they post it up for $400.00 USD, and the girl calls me and says we have $600 USD in it and we'll give you it all to cover the load. They'ev been taking a $375 margin on these loads.....oh BTW these go to Amazon in Mount hope, so you know 3 hours free...
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On a short run like this, i doubt have the more than 600.They have more than that - once had quoted $1500 over their booking (CA-MB) and actually got a call back asking for my truck - but it was long gone... lesson learned they have a margin
that's a 37.5% margin..that's sickening, and they say "the customers not paying".On a short run like this, i doubt have the more than 600.
They are currently still posting it right now.
CA-MB I believe it for sure. Probably making 2k minimum
Anything above 20% should be criminal, unless it's some sort of crazy expedite or OD w/ permits.that's a 37.5% margin..that's sickening, and they say "the customers not paying".
all well and good @loaders but I remember some posts on here, with brokers complaining that carriers were over charging back in the Covid era. By your logic I'd keep that same energy. Its unhealthy nor sustainable for any industry to operate in that way, both for carriers and brokers. I agree I don't need to know what you charge your customer but when good suppliers are run out of the industry due to practices like these, it will cost a lot more for brokers to find good service in the long run. Its always easier to put blinders on and focus on what you are doing, but just as the bad drivers getting into preventable accidents shines a bad light on all carriers, conducting business like this does the same for brokers.What a broker charges his customer isn’t the “crime” here. It is the cheap rate offered to the carrier that can be described as criminal. Carriers who accept these low rates are willing contributors to the problem. What a carrier charges his direct customers is not my concern, nor should it be. What I charge my customers is strictly a matter between my firm and my client.
If your company is like most businesses, you probably have a couple of accounts or maybe you run a couple of lanes that pay you very, very well. Maybe quite a bit over what the standard rate might be. Is that a bad thing? Is that something to be ashamed of? Should we refer to that as “criminal”. Most importantly, is it anyone else’s business? No, no, no and no. Once again, the problem is not what you or I are charging our customer. If the customer likes your service and can live with the rate….great, it’s a good deal for everyone. The problem lies solely with low rates being offered and, even worse, accepted, regardless of what the customers rate is. I can’t speak for other brokers, but I have operated for years not caring one bit what the carrier rates are, provided they are within at least shouting distance of each other. If carriers decide they need $10 per mile, or $1 per mile, so be it, I will use that and add on a percentage that my customer can live with and provides me a profit. I am not defending the brokers who continually offer the lowest possible rate. That is the business plan they have adopted and the people who decide to deal with them should be fully aware of it from the get go. If their mark up is 10% or 100% , that again is their business, not mine or anyone else’s. Brokers, just like carriers are in business to make a profit. Sometimes they might make a nice, tidy amount, a “home run” type of deal, other times, they might make squat and strike out swinging! It’s all part of the game and hopefully at the end of the day, you can empty your pants pockets and put some money on the bed side table before hoping into bed.all well and good @loaders but I remember some posts on here, with brokers complaining that carriers were over charging back in the Covid era. By your logic I'd keep that same energy. Its unhealthy nor sustainable for any industry to operate in that way, both for carriers and brokers. I agree I don't need to know what you charge your customer but when good suppliers are run out of the industry due to practices like these, it will cost a lot more for brokers to find good service in the long run. Its always easier to put blinders on and focus on what you are doing, but just as the bad drivers getting into preventable accidents shines a bad light on all carriers, conducting business like this does the same for brokers.
It is but there is a few places in Mt Hope if you know where to look. Grew up there that Amazon warehouse used to be a golf course when i was a kid.Amazon delivery load most likely. Otherwise I dont see any receiver there in mount hope!
Oh nice, someone's moving their 36' Sony.
You'd make more money working at Tim Hortons for the day. Unreal.Here you go ! The king of cheap freight is back ! none other than the TQL. This time I am amazed they left $83 for Driver pay + company expense + company profits
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You'd make more money working at Tim Hortons for the day. Unreal.
Who the hell quoted that... that's insanity.just wow! its 191 miles or 307km
I am wondering if you could cover this lane, our target rate is $280 CAD.
Pick up: E 48th Street, Holland, MI 49423
Delivery: Outer Drive, Windsor, ON, N9G 0C4