Rome Transportation/Rome Logistics

I don't know if Rome is double brokering. I do know we have collected funds from them over 20 times and all at 30 days or less. If we agree on the rates, its on us. If we don't agree on the rates, we can walk! I gave at least 25 rates out today myself, and i have no clue if i underbid or overbid, but its just business.
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Not when you are pretending that you have actual equipment, when you are only a brokerage. I think it is up to the company to properly represent itself in the market. I never claimed that they didn't pay their bills, or have business that would be profitable for both the carrier and themselves, but they do present themselves as if they are a transport company, which is wrong. They will drop rates now as freight is in decline (so the market dictates), but when frost comes it will be our customer on the hook, when they conveniently can't load their "own trucks." I have another carrier that does business with them, and they say they are one of the better brokerages out there payment wise, on the carrier side I don't think that can be argued. But when you have to lie to get your foot in the door, well that's another thing. They tried to set up with us, so i know that these tactics are in use.
Hmmmmm. Htcollections, what criteria would you use to determine if a company was a carrier or not? I would think that either ownership of transportation equipment or the use of directly controlled owner operators would be a pretty decisive factor in that determination.
A carrier can rent or lease equipment. They can also hire owner operators and plate them. If you have plates, i feel you are a carrier. I see some of our carriers though hire owner operators and the owner operators use their own plates. I don't think you can be considered a carrier unless you have at least one plate.
Look, it's really pretty simple. If you own trucks, employ/control owner operators, or have a plate registered in your name and have a piece of equipment (owned outright, financed, leased, rented, or belonging to an owner operator) to hang it on, you are a carrier. If you have vehicle insurance, if you report fuel taxes, if you have a CVOR, I think it"s pretty safe to are a carrier. If you are a non-asset based transportation provider, stand tall, be proud, you are a broker, don't try to be something you're not.
Look, it's really pretty simple. If you own trucks, employ/control owner operators, or have a plate registered in your name and have a piece of equipment (owned outright, financed, leased, rented, or belonging to an owner operator) to hang it on, you are a carrier. If you have vehicle insurance, if you report fuel taxes, if you have a CVOR, I think it"s pretty safe to are a carrier. If you are a non-asset based transportation provider, stand tall, be proud, you are a broker, don't try to be something you're not.

While reading this I kept hearing Jeff Foxworthy's voice. Is that weird?
omg.. I'm falling off my chair laughing.... the things people say..... to earn to try and earn a buck.
We get the odd call, someone has visited our website, wants to know if I can haul a load etc. Fist thing out of any of our mouths, we do not have any equipment, we can get some pricing (or give pricing if it's a known lane) and secure equipment for you? There is never any confusion or doubt about what I do for a living, as loaders says, I am proud and stand tall as a broker. I guess I could always rent a Uhaul and advertise "my equipment" LMAO.
Rome phone call

" What would you need?"
"Oh we can only pay $1300"
"If I said $1200 would you give me $1300?"

Is anyone taking the 50,000lbs from Hamilton to NJ for $1200?
If thats too heavy maybe they can do two $600's LOL
Bahahahaha Why do they ever bother asking what "we need" when they already have a number in their tiny little heads. It's way too frustrating when they do that, just come straight out and say what you have and save the BS because you're just wasting both of our time with this little game.

This is the one that really puts a burr under my butt, you call and say you have a load, you need $500G coverage (never an issue with us) dedicated rolltite load of robotics, but you can only "afford to pay" $2.50 per mile. Seriously, maybe that's what "you can afford to pay", but it's really "what the owner of the goods can afford to pay" that I care about!!!!!!! Hmmmm logic would dictate that if you were going for that specialized freight, you should've nailed down a proper rate before even considering a booking in the first place, stop wasting our time with this crap!!!!!
Rome is very cheap. I've only had one customer where I've run into them as a competitor, and their rates suggest that they either look for bottom feeders or are making impossibly low margins.
Quinn from Rome just called my driver and let him know he had lots of work for him. These people are so unprofessional.

First he books a load picking out of Smithville Ontario going down to Downtown but he mentioned he needs heat which I don't have so I turned it down.

He then emails me letting me know he does not need heat and that I can still take it. He asks for my drivers number and finds out I took other freight on board(as mentioned before I even took the load).

Because of the ice storm yesterday we were not able to deliver it before 5 pm and we delivered on Saturday morning. But when agreeing on a Saturday delivery Quinn goes behind my back and calls my driver to tell him the shipment can't freeze and needs heat.

My driver let's me know and I call Quinn and agree on leaving a heater in the truck to keep the product from freezing. We then deliver the shipment after Quinn calls my driver another 5 times and I am being sent an unprofessional email letting me know we are not doing business.

Quinn then calls my driver and let's him know I just cost him alot of money. I get angry and called him once to see what his deal was and I was told he doesn'
Work on the weekends.
They are on my DNU list and I have zero problems taking them to court. I am a small courier company with 4 straight trucks looking to grow. But with customers that have dispatchers that treat business Like its just a job we have no chance to get things done professionally.

Thank you
Not very professional. How can a broker not know if the shipment needs heat or not? Worse, why try and move it without heat, especially In the middle of winter! I don't know Rome, their business philosophy or any of their employees, but based on this report and others, I will stay far away. Good luck to you SuperSam and may I suggest you inform the members on this site of your company name and contact info. You may very well pick up some new business from the members. A smaller, flexible carrier is usually my first choice, especially for intra Ontario shipments.