RATES what is going on

once airborne all the pilot has to do is sit there ready to take over the airplane if it gets hit by lightning and the computers reset, however that is exceptionally rare.
And that's the point. You are right Airplanes do actually fly themselves, have done so since the early 2000's I believe Hence its where the term Auto- Pilot was conceived. But yet decades later we still require pilots in these planes..With the recent Boeing planes that had those freak accidents, the technology that was meant to help the pilots fly the planes with ease was actually the reason why they crashed. And those planes had pilots in them. Ports that have gone fully autonomous for container handling have had they're very public issues and they still require human monitoring and maintenance. I do believe automation will come but I seriously doubt it will be in our life time or the next. The technology maybe there but adaptation will have its struggles.
One has to wonder if similar conversations took place 200-150 years ago when steam engines, gas powered devices, etc. started to become more and more commonplace, replacing horses and gangs of labourers? I can only imagine how bewildered and confused people might have been looking at these strange machines of the future. What will become of us they might have said? How will we survive? The only thing I know for sure is that I will be long gone before anyone has to worry about all this.
I guess that all depends how old you are whether you see it in your lifetime or not ... LOL
My kids, in their early 30's, I think will see significantly more autonomy than I will, and my grand kids will enjoy/endure autonomy as a big part of their lives.
Whether the human race still exists much beyond that is a very good question.
Bennu is due here in 159 years, and there is a very good possibility it could hit earth ... it's referred to as an "extinction event".

@loaders ... Hahaha ... I'll bet they did, all throughout history, from slingshots, to bows & arrows, to armoured knights, to the Model T, and every new invention in between ... LOL
Sorry for the purple scribbles....
If it has an appt in Syracuse it is likely either going to a d/c or paper rolls. Either way, not worth your time for $500...


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it's where you end up empty.
wow talk about deadhead miles both ways
TQL don't care, they want you to say abracadabra and magically have your truck at both ends.

its off their board now so I assume someone took it. But to think they really posted it up for $400 bucks and then were able to go upto $575 sheesh. I don't ever want to hear them say "my customer only pays that much, my manager wont approve it" BLAH BLAH. $400 to $575 is a 44% increase, and thats just the payout rate, whats the bill rate to the customer I wonder? SMH.
I know but I didn't want to give the exact person's name out!

His CEO is always tooting his own horn on LinkedIn on how they are the best, being a carrier themselves you would expect better from their brokerage especially when they hype themselves up to be driver-oriented, but I guess that only applies to their drivers everyone else can go broke and go to hell while they are at it.
His CEO is always tooting his own horn on LinkedIn on how they are the best, being a carrier themselves you would expect better from their brokerage especially when they hype themselves up to be driver-oriented, but I guess that only applies to their drivers everyone else can go broke and go to hell while they are at it.
He is a Linkedin whore isn't he.
Those posts make me never want to work there or with them.
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Can believe the rates brokers are trying to give carriers. So low what is going on
loosing money by the day due to rates. Are brokers only ones making money and carriers starving? Come on on pay the truckers to do the job
As a broker, we also take lower profits, as most of the decrease in rates is driven by our customers. I/We want to have all parties make money. Happy Carriers makes my life so much easier. We all feeling the pinch.
I don't know. We have been running to Syracuse for the last 17 years. I don't think I have taken a rate like that in my entire recollection! Oh gosh, this is getting bad....
that rate is still lower than the backhaul rate out of there makes no sense where they get their rates from
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