I sent this out to a lot of carries. Please spread the word. Thank you
dispatch / owner: Mark / Stephane Vargas.
Southern Transportation Systems
173 Cartier Ave #106, Pointe-Claire, Quebec H9S 4R9
(514) 448-0957
They took a load from us and double brokered it to Caliber Trans. They demanded $4300.00 from us up front (which is not normal business practice), however we paid it as they already had the shipment loaded and then later, threatened to not deliver it until we paid a further amount upfront. This we did not do and proceeded to do heavy research tracking down the load and who had it (Caliber Trans). In addition to what we paid up front, in good faith, we now have to pay Caliber for the load.
As you can see I have added Southern dispatch.
Mark/Stephane, the reason I have added you to this email, is so you know that I have sent this email to all the trucking companies and hopefully they will all share this information to other trucking companies. No one should go through what you and your company did to us. The word will be spread that you are scammers and not to be trusted in any dealings.
Trucking companies on bcc of this email, I hope you do the right thing and spread the word regarding Southwestern
Riyaz Kassam
Concept101 Ltd