STS - Southern Transportation Systems

well the new law proposed by the FMCSA where if the broker dips below $75k they have 7 days to replenish to keep their authority is a good start. I'ev come across a few brokers who have had their Bonds completely drained, and still broker loads...But I agree it should be a minimum of 500k or based on the volume of business or gross they report on their taxes. Putting aside the smaller brokers, its cray cray that the the mega brokers also only need to have the $75k Bond but their earnings calls show couple billions in revenue in a quarter. Make it make sense.
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As a freight broker, I have no problem adhering to whatever rules and regulations are in place, currently or in the future. I also would welcome more stringent and vigorous enforcement of the existing rules. The biggest impediment we all face in attempting to clean up this industry is the companies who, for whatever reason, continue to ignore the rules and broker freight without any licensing, carriers, and brokers alike.. Also to blame are the carriers who turn a blind eye and actively support this illegal activity by doing business with these scoff laws. If a carrier is serious about stamping out this type of unethical and illegal behavior......stop doing business with unlicensed brokers. It is that simple!
Maybe everyone in business should be required to post a bond.. shippers.. brokers.. carriers.. any business that involves extending credit.
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Or pay before delivery - no credit. That would fix things over night.
Sure.. if everyone did that.. The only people who would be out then would be those who paid before delivery.. and then the delivery didn't occur.
Sure.. if everyone did that.. The only people who would be out then would be those who paid before delivery.. and then the delivery didn't occur.
Yes, but then that brings up a whole different issue that the police can be called as the carrier would be holding freight that the service has been paid. A scam carrier would only get away with that once.
Yes, but then that brings up a whole different issue that the police can be called as the carrier would be holding freight that the service has been paid. A scam carrier would only get away with that once.
Police won't respond.. civil matter.. they won't even call back.. been there done that. Not to knock the police.. maybe they really are that underfunded...
well the new law proposed by the FMCSA where if the broker dips below $75k they have 7 days to replenish to keep their authority is a good start. I'ev come across a few brokers who have had their Bonds completely drained, and still broker loads...But I agree it should be a minimum of 500k or based on the volume of business or gross they report on their taxes. Putting aside the smaller brokers, its cray cray that the the mega brokers also only need to have the $75k Bond but their earnings calls show couple billions in revenue in a quarter. Make it make sense.
500k and making it enforced, shipper has to check or something is a great way to eliminate some of the fraud
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500k and making it enforced, shipper has to check or something is a great way to eliminate some of the fraud
although I like the idea, a shipper really shouldn't have to get involved in the Broker/Carrier relationships or inner workings. Ideally, if FMCSA has a system to check and enforce if and when a Brokers bond goes below the amount (in relative real time) that would be great. I mean they are quick to put Carriers OOS or revoke authorities so this shouldn't be as hard as one would think.
Police won't respond.. civil matter.. they won't even call back.. been there done that. Not to knock the police.. maybe they really are that underfunded...
I think you need to support your police department more, YRP in Newmarket/Aurora has no issues getting involved and investigating freight fraud, or intent to de-fraud. Guess its still depends on who ya know to some extent.
ok relax all you heavy weights moving 300 loads a day at 75.00 profit per load . Some brokers are small enough and make enough margin on loads that they dont need to ship 300 loads of toilet paper or Burnbrae eggs

75,000 usd broker bond coverage is the legal minimum needs to be a player in the space. Anything more is gravy anything less is not legal and broker is not a broker or complaint company. And its wrong of you to reefer to a scammer as a broker...
Some of us "heavy weights" move loads for more than $75 margins, and still move hundreds per day. Vetting carriers, with finance, performance, and communication KPI's and proper sleuthing / due diligence goes a long way to minimizing our exposure to "bad apples"

I agree the 75k is rain drop sized bond for most established brokers.
I think you need to support your police department more, YRP in Newmarket/Aurora has no issues getting involved and investigating freight fraud, or intent to de-fraud. Guess its still depends on who ya know to some extent.
I do.. but let's say my load disappears in New Jersey.. I pay no taxes there.. I don't vote there. Do you think any police department there will tie up a single rookie officer to run after my lost load? Me neither..
Some of us "heavy weights" move loads for more than $75 margins, and still move hundreds per day. Vetting carriers, with finance, performance, and communication KPI's and proper sleuthing / due diligence goes a long way to minimizing our exposure to "bad apples"

I agree the 75k is rain drop sized bond for most established brokers.
Only 5% of all businesses ever crack 1 million in sales a year.. that's one in twenty businesses..... Most startups...80%.. are teetes up within 5 years of startup date. Those are the stats. Sure, a 75K bond is small potatoes for a TQL or a CH Robinson or perhaps even the guy turning 30 million a year... but they're like shippers anyway... lots of fixed assets to go after in the event of nonpayment that the little guys don't necessarily have.
I sent this out to a lot of carries. Please spread the word. Thank you


dispatch / owner: Mark / Stephane Vargas.

Southern Transportation Systems​

173 Cartier Ave #106, Pointe-Claire, Quebec H9S 4R9
(514) 448-0957

They took a load from us and double brokered it to Caliber Trans. They demanded $4300.00 from us up front (which is not normal business practice), however we paid it as they already had the shipment loaded and then later, threatened to not deliver it until we paid a further amount upfront. This we did not do and proceeded to do heavy research tracking down the load and who had it (Caliber Trans). In addition to what we paid up front, in good faith, we now have to pay Caliber for the load.
As you can see I have added Southern dispatch.

Mark/Stephane, the reason I have added you to this email, is so you know that I have sent this email to all the trucking companies and hopefully they will all share this information to other trucking companies. No one should go through what you and your company did to us. The word will be spread that you are scammers and not to be trusted in any dealings.

Trucking companies on bcc of this email, I hope you do the right thing and spread the word regarding Southwestern

Riyaz Kassam
Concept101 Ltd
this clown scammed us out of money after they double brokered a load from NC to Calgary (airplane parts). Tried the same tactics where he demanded payment? I told him to correct his tone when speaking to a woman and that I am the carrier, YOU are to pay me so why are you asking me for payment??? The company was formerly called Quick Van Lines. The same piece of shit Stephane Vargas was one of the directors. We never got paid and they closed the doors and opened up under another name, and I see still scamming people.
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There is a freight guard from last year;


9428-7224 QUEBEC INC


But ya, carrier411 is only used for talking bad about good carriers who don't deserve it. ...
The owner ran another scam company Quick Van Lines. Scammed us out of $6,800.00
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@Rob not quite sure your issue with the broker bond. Fact is this guy again did not have one, you need to Vet who you take loads from. Having a broker bond in place is a great first step.

Also, this carrier is now out of service according to Safer Web.

View attachment 2005
Have you hauled freight for Southern Transportation Systems and have NOT been paid for your services? Contact our firm today! 662-373-2067. We can recover your money, even if the company has gone out of business.

Kizer Schwartz & Assoc. LLC

D. 662-373-2067
Not even, it's catch and release out here on the West Coast, the worst thing you might have to go through is community service.
Have you hauled freight for Southern Transportation Systems and have NOT been paid for your services? Contact our firm today! 662-373-2067. We can recover your money, even if the company has gone out of business.

Kizer Schwartz & Assoc. LLC

D. 662-373-2067