STS - Southern Transportation Systems

They just got me this week too, called on a posting and dispatched it over, then brokered it for more and demanded payment before delivery of 3500.00 we paid and he stopped answering. I would love to find this guy. Good thing the load got delivered, now we are out 3500.00 and have to pay the other carrier.

They booked a load posing as a carrier then brokered it out to another carrier.

They demanded quick pay before delivery for initially 3000 CAD and if we didn't pay they will not deliver the load. but we found the real carrier, apparently they were running the lane for 4700 CAD!!!!

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I hate to say it, but you should have listened to Satan...

So sorry these guys f-ed you.,
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They just got me this week too, called on a posting and dispatched it over, then brokered it for more and demanded payment before delivery of 3500.00 we paid and he stopped answering. I would love to find this guy. Good thing the load got delivered, now we are out 3500.00 and have to pay the other carrier.
Can you send me the banking details that he provided you along with any other information you deem important that could help proceed against him?
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SAFER Layout
9452-8148 QUEBEC INC
106-173 AV CARTIER
(514) 448-0957
106-173 AV CARTIER
07/29/202262 (2022)

Any idea on how this company is with Payments ?
The owner's name is Stephane Vargas and when one of us showed up at their office today, he was "on vacation".
Our recent experience is that we hired them in June to do a load from ON. to BC. for $5000, and they turned around and hired a BC carrier who moved the load for $6800.
That carrier, after not getting paid is now legitimately going after shipper for payment.
It's an ugly scene and these scammers need to be shut down.
We have reached out to their factoring company to demand they stop funding fraudsters and will make a formal complaint to the Commission de Transport.
I only have bad words for these guys so I will stop now :(
Okay so


Is a scumbag. He got $4300.00 from yesterday and wanted the balance this morning. Then I called the shipper to get the photo that They took, and found out that he double broker it to Caliber Trans out of Winnipeg MB., He calls himself Mark. STS will not answer my calls. I will not rest he pays for this. How I don't know yet. lol Any suggestion? I need to find away to shut him down.


This has been a hell of a week, and it's only Tuesday.
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The owner's name is Stephane Vargas and when one of us showed up at their office today, he was "on vacation".
Our recent experience is that we hired them in June to do a load from ON. to BC. for $5000, and they turned around and hired a BC carrier who moved the load for $6800.
That carrier, after not getting paid is now legitimately going after shipper for payment.
It's an ugly scene and these scammers need to be shut down.
We have reached out to their factoring company to demand they stop funding fraudsters and will make a formal complaint to the Commission de Transport.
I only have bad words for these guys so I will stop now :(
How will the complaint help you?
I sent this out to a lot of carries. Please spread the word. Thank you


dispatch / owner: Mark / Stephane Vargas.

Southern Transportation Systems​

173 Cartier Ave #106, Pointe-Claire, Quebec H9S 4R9
(514) 448-0957

They took a load from us and double brokered it to Caliber Trans. They demanded $4300.00 from us up front (which is not normal business practice), however we paid it as they already had the shipment loaded and then later, threatened to not deliver it until we paid a further amount upfront. This we did not do and proceeded to do heavy research tracking down the load and who had it (Caliber Trans). In addition to what we paid up front, in good faith, we now have to pay Caliber for the load.
As you can see I have added Southern dispatch.

Mark/Stephane, the reason I have added you to this email, is so you know that I have sent this email to all the trucking companies and hopefully they will all share this information to other trucking companies. No one should go through what you and your company did to us. The word will be spread that you are scammers and not to be trusted in any dealings.

Trucking companies on bcc of this email, I hope you do the right thing and spread the word regarding Southwestern

Riyaz Kassam
Concept101 Ltd
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Just received this from Caliber Trans

I don't even know where to start. PIECES OF SHIT LIKE YOU have made this prestigious industry dirty. We are really glad that @Riyaz Kassam got to know about this and he reached us directly.
I don't understand how you go to sleep after doing such scams. You don't care about everyone's hard earned money including the drivers who stay on the road most of their time hauling these loads. i would suggest you to go and find a job and earn money honestly.

Thank You,

Logistics Coordinator
Caliber Trans Inc.
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Good morning

Received this email on Friday.

Good afternoon,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

We were notified recently about Southern Transportation Systems, and we have completed an investigation on them.

This has resulted in their account being shut off, meaning they cannot access it while their account will start the cancellation process and will be removed from the board.

Kind Regards,


Loadlink Technologies

2 Robert Speck Parkway, Suite 900 | Mississauga, ON L4Z 1H8
We lost a few hundred, but they tried to get us for thousands. They even called our customer, and our customer's customer to try and put it on us, and get money from them too. I'm all about frontier justice, but their location is where a gang used to I think we'll just take the loss...
We lost a few hundred, but they tried to get us for thousands. They even called our customer, and our customer's customer to try and put it on us, and get money from them too. I'm all about frontier justice, but their location is where a gang used to I think we'll just take the loss...
We lost a few hundred, but they tried to get us for thousands. They even called our customer, and our customer's customer to try and put it on us, and get money from them too. I'm all about frontier justice, but their location is where a gang used to I think we'll just take the loss...
When did this happen?
End of August. My partner has the email address he gave us to e-transfer money to, but I'm not sure if that can help with anything...
They, I should say he took 3400 from us.. Nothing can help us. We moved on.
STS is a fraud company.
We gave them loads, and they hostaged our loads and requested money.
After that, we got a call from other carriers who actually hauled the load, and STS is not paying them.
He booked the load at a cheap rate and gave it to other carriers (double brokerage).
OFFICE: 514-448-0957

They, I should say he took 3400 from us.. Nothing can help us. We moved on.
If you Google map their address, there's a phone # on the front of the building for a barber shop. I called and spoke to the person there and they confirmed there is a transport broker up the hall. THEN I realized exactly where they were. I decided that staying alive was more important than the $700 or so we lost. We were lucky because we made a deal with the carrier STS was double-brokering to.
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STAY AWAY FROM STS. We caught them double brokering. They were given a load from a broker, the broker cancelled it with them but they held onto the confirmation and brokered the load to us. Luckily we caught this and notified the actual consignee whos load it was... and now we have a new customer :) Thanks STS!
FYI the contact info we have for the douchebags at STS is Mark

OFFICE (514) 448-0957

Not a bad turnout, I guess the original broker took the real L losing a customer for not vetting properly