Greenlight Traffic & Distribution


Nov 9, 2017
Good morning All!

I just wanted to say working with the above carrier is complete nonsense.

I was scheduled for a Burlington to Scotland, and Pearl lets me know the shipment will not be ready that night and would be ready the following morning. After numerous attempts to try and reach Pearl via email and phone, I kept calling in and getting hung up on.

Then I decided screw it, I am going to call the shipper myself. And I find out that the shipment left the night before, and she made me hold my driver all morning. No apology or nothing. No sense of honesty at all.

On my DNU for life, I hope anyone else on here is just as careful!
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After posting this, I am getting numerous nonstop calls of threats, swearing and lol Pearl screaming from the top of her lungs. I dont know about this industry. Its too dirty to be knee deep and too addicting to stay away.

DNU in my afterlife as well.
I have only moved 3 shipments for them. They always offer me 7 day payments. Never have had any issues so far.
Took a shipment, pick up and delivery went well but were laid over and didn't get compensation. Would take a shipment again but I'd state fees before accepting going forward in writing.
Hi All
This company kept calling to ask us to move their load from AB - TX. I refused saying they were not approved by a factor we use occasionally. They said they would pay in full COD - verbally (my bad I did not get it in writing). We got paid quick pay rate.
My accounting dept. accepted the payment not aware of the agreement and when I called to remind them (Pearl - actually Parul) of our verbal agreement she denied it / she yelled / claimed she was the owner / said why did I accept the original payment - I should have not (my bad as accounting told me later) - but they can easily issue a paymnet for the rest of the funds.

False claims and yelling - just make sure you have everything in writing. If anyone here has a different contact / knows the owner please provide me the contact if possible.
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