FGM Truck Lines

If a certain Justin Moss sends your an email from FGM, it's a scammer. email is FGMtruckline.com without an S at lines. He tried to take one of our load, like we have no experience at all and we would give him something without due dilligence.

But FYI - called FGM to make sure and they confirmed it's going on for a while, using a fake email and their paperwork.

Guys Im very sorry, it is true we are being targeted. The email being used is justin@fgmtruckline.com WITH OUT THE 'S'. The proper email is justin@fgmtrucklines.com.

justin@fgmtruckline.com is easy to spot there is no info in the siganture, the paperwork they provide is all doctored and incorrect apart from the WSIB form.

the correct email, my email justin@fgmtrucklines.com has a signature with all our accreditions and information. and upon request can send you proper documentation.

please have your IT departments flag justin@fgmtruckline.com as a scam/junk email.
thank you and thank you agian for using our service, were very sorry for this and we do have the RCMP and US authorities working with us to find and stop this
no probelm and again i cannot thank everyone enough for sticking with us thought this. i would also like to advise i have heard we are NOT the only company that is getting attacked. There seems to be a hand full of other carriers and brokers that are affected byt this. Please keep an eye out.

and please ask all your IT departments to flag the domain @fgmtruckline.com as fraud, scam, virus