World Wide Logistics - Etobicoke, ON


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Aug 19, 2009
Chateauguay QC.
Anyone have any recent dealings with this firm? We are looking for a credit reference.
They have a check of ours in the mail for the last two weeks.

World Wide Logistics Inc.
90 Claireport Crescent , Suite 8
Toronto ON. M9W 6P4
Tel: 416-213-9522

Thanks for any help!
Anyone have any recent dealings with this firm? We are looking for a credit reference.
They have a check of ours in the mail for the last two weeks.

World Wide Logistics Inc.
90 Claireport Crescent , Suite 8
Toronto ON. M9W 6P4
Tel: 416-213-9522

Thanks for any help!
I worked with them , 6 months ago , one time , and I asked them for QUICK pay , So I went to their office myself and I took the cheque.
I got the cheque in 24 h.
World Wide

Invoice now 70 days old, on January 26th, 2011

Cheque mailed January 7th .... has not arrived.

If it hasn.t arrived by Friday the 28th we should call back and they will replace it.

Excuse is ..... Canada Post lost it.

Putting them on our DNU, heard that story one too many times.

Trying to book another load today with us.
Address: 90 CLAIREPORT CRES #8
Postal: M9W6P4
Tel: 416-213-9522
Fax: 416-213-9311
Average Days to Pay: 50

Great company!
Strangely enough.....I sent payment to them two weeks ago. They claim not to have the cheque. It hasn't been cleared.
Their current address is actually

UNIT 10 & 11,
L6T 5G3

They've been there for the past 1 year, pay average of 49 days.
Any updates on these folks?
World Wide Logistics
105 Claireport Crescent
Etobicoke, ON M9W 6P7
P: 1-416-213-9311
F: 1-416-213-9311
(That's right ... phone & fax are the same)
I have them in our system still at Paget 416-213-9522 we did a couple of loads in March and 1 they did pay waiting time but it did take 69 days to get payment.
Seems they move around a lot. I'm not exceptionally happy with their contract, so we'll see where this goes. Thanks for the info though :)
Here's my experience - of the last 6 loads I have booked with them, the last 6 have cancelled. ---apparently through no fault of theirs. They are on my use with extreme caution list.
Same review as before but we did do a load in Jan and it is sitting at 35 days.
Non paying horrible people to deal with. Now apparently at
330 New Huntington Road, Suite 101
Vaughan, ON. Not worth the gamble.
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World Wide Logistics, 330 New Huntington Road, Unit # 101. Wood bridge. That is the address i have. Are they same people but two same address in two different cities?
Invoiced them March/21. Check received April/27. 36-37 days. not bad
World Wide Logistics, 330 New Huntington Road, Unit # 101. small invoice paid within 35 days.