
May 6, 2024
Has anyone used this carrier before? They just picked up our shipment and they are now requesting for a comcheck for half of the freight charge.....

Seems sketchy to me

Get a copy of the BOL, did the shipper verify Rich Line picked up? Please have the consignee check the name on the truck when delivering

Fuel advances are common, especially for 1 truck companies in the US, but also used by double brokers / scammers

I have to question your vetting practice:

Vehicle OOS 38.3%
Driver OOS 40.0%

  • Operating a CMV without a CDL
  • Operating a property-carrying vehicle without a valid medical certificate in possession or on file with the state drivers licensing agency. History of either fail
  • License (CDL) - Operate a CMV and does not possess a valid CDL.
  • Operating a CMV without proof of a periodic inspection

This is all publicly available information
And to add to the vetting process, if this freight is cross border, did you get their SCAC and/or the Canada Customs Carrier ID? As @Rob has mentioned dozens of times, there are no US based carriers that want to touch any Canadian freight.
We got confirmation that Rich Line picked up the shipment and I’ll follow up again once the freight has been delivered.

I understand their purpose for the fuel advances, I was caught off guard when the rep mentioned it after the pickup was already made. My concern was the potential for double brokering or scams like you said.

The information you shared about the OOS rates and CDL compliance is concerning and something we missed in this case. We'll make sure we fully check carriers' safety and compliance records, thanks for pointing this out.
And to add to the vetting process, if this freight is cross border, did you get their SCAC and/or the Canada Customs Carrier ID? As @Rob has mentioned dozens of times, there are no US based carriers that want to touch any Canadian freight.
This shipment is USA to USA but I’ll keep that in mind for any future cross-border shipments! I appreciate the feedback
Quick update on this carrier: According to our rep, they did well with our shipments. Both loads were delivered on time. They did request a 40% fuel advance after they got loaded.