Looking for Local Cartage


Active Member
Oct 11, 2018
Hey everyone, it's been awhile since we did anything local. I have a quote request for a 53' dry van, light skidded freight, dock to dock from Ajax to Mississauga.

Looking for who you would recommend. Had a quote for $600.00 and thought that was a bit extreme.

Thanks for any input,

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FYI... shameless plug...

A&B published tariff AJAX -> Mississauga South (S of 401) $325 + FSC
A&B published tariff AJAX -> Mississauga North (N of 401) $350 + FSC

our FSC is at 36% this week, which puts us over the 400 flat pricing from our good friends above.

$400 or 399.99 all in is a solid rate from reputable guys!
Hey everyone, it's been awhile since we did anything local. I have a quote request for a 53' dry van, light skidded freight, dock to dock from Ajax to Mississauga.

Looking for who you would recommend. Had a quote for $600.00 and thought that was a bit extreme.

Thanks for any input,

Cam Cartage in MIssissauga a small player but dependable talk to Dan there. 905-612-9992