JBT Transport

Jeff Bryan Transport out of Burford.
Transport company.
but I don't have any recent dealings. No problems on service or payment but my history is 8-10 years old.
Jeff does a good job with the freight, I can only assume that he is also good to deal with as far as brokering goes. Been around for ever.
JBT Transport is NOT Jeff Bryan Transport

I think some are confusing the 2 companies.
JBT Transport is based in Ayr, ON and they are not Jeff Bryan Transport out of Burford, ON.
It is easy to confuse these companies due to similar names, especially the "JBT" part of it.
Haven't dealt with them since October 2008. Average days was 54 days.
JBT NOT Jeff Bryan Transport

Jeff has had this cross confusion issue in the past - imagine! Saw him at the TTC gala in December - and when I referred JBT he got all red and steam came out of his ears - not a site I would like to see again! Jeff Bryan's equipment is solid, as is his reputation, his business practices and his ethics. A pleasure to deal with, and the type of people you want to give your freight too!
This company is terrible Kenmore went bankrupt, now JBT from Ayr is going bankrupt. Company owns Heritage and Drumbo transport.