Empire Logistics & Transport Inc


Nov 10, 2017
13111 100 avenue out of Surrey, BC V3T1H4
PH:587-583-7557 & 416-527-3313
FAX 778-789=4457
an email updates@empire-transport.net

Does anyone have any info/pay info on this company? My factoring company already advised against working with them because they are slow payers. But, hey at least they pay and I don't have much choice I need some work for my drivers....booked a load with them around noon yesterday they kept calling me every hour saying they were gonna send it and to hold my truck until they finally sent it at 5:30 pm..and they asked me if I was gonna double broker it *facepalm* anyways.

Sorry accidentally posted the same thread twice somehow...trying to figure out how to delete one of these....
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We did two loads for them beginning of this year - got paid between 30 - 60 days
Communication was good - their loads were for GFS and usually picked in the evening .. which worked for us. No issues as such
Thank you very much
rahul calls me about 10 times a day, rates are suspicious, thinking loads will absolutely get double brokered out.

I see them posting quite a bit but have hesitated to call as I suspect double brokering as well, usually a large broker will post a load, and a short bit after you'll see Empire post it but with slightly different cities. Could be a coincidence though.
I caught them double brokering recently, they lied about the trucks location and fabricated a breakdown on time sensitive load. The receiver verified the actual carrier and spoke to the driver. The driver's story is very different than what Empire told us.

Their customers believe they have equipment and are the ones pulling the load, customers are not aware that Empire is brokering the loads plus as I experienced Empire did not care about the service parameters, did not pass on those parameters to the driver and lied to cover up their nefarious activity.

According to FMCSA their broker authority is INACTIVE, not sure if they have a surety bond or if they are a member of the TIA

Rahul is ex Natt Enterprises

Rahul Malhotra, Operations Manager at Empire Logistics and Transport

We set them up pre pandemic but did not put them on a load until this year.

I dont remember getting them set up or if they were properly vetted more than 4 years ago but based on the below as of Jun 20 2023 they would not get set up today.

They are blocked on LoadLink but still call on loads.

I caught them double brokering recently, they lied about the trucks location and fabricated a breakdown on time sensitive load. The receiver verified the actual carrier and spoke to the driver. The driver's story is very different than what Empire told us.

Their customers believe they have equipment and are the ones pulling the load, customers are not aware that Empire is brokering the loads plus as I experienced Empire did not care about the service parameters, did not pass on those parameters to the driver and lied to cover up their nefarious activity.

According to FMCSA their broker authority is INACTIVE, not sure if they have a surety bond or if they are a member of the TIA

Rahul is ex Natt Enterprises

Rahul Malhotra, Operations Manager at Empire Logistics and Transport

We set them up pre pandemic but did not put them on a load until this year.

I dont remember getting them set up or if they were properly vetted more than 4 years ago but based on the below as of Jun 20 2023 they would not get set up today.

They are blocked on LoadLink but still call on loads.

View attachment 1456
That is interesting because I found them on the link.
Started hitting me with double blind shipment and I had to just pass on it.
I caught them double brokering recently, they lied about the trucks location and fabricated a breakdown on time sensitive load. The receiver verified the actual carrier and spoke to the driver. The driver's story is very different than what Empire told us.

Their customers believe they have equipment and are the ones pulling the load, customers are not aware that Empire is brokering the loads plus as I experienced Empire did not care about the service parameters, did not pass on those parameters to the driver and lied to cover up their nefarious activity.

According to FMCSA their broker authority is INACTIVE, not sure if they have a surety bond or if they are a member of the TIA

Rahul is ex Natt Enterprises

Rahul Malhotra, Operations Manager at Empire Logistics and Transport

We set them up pre pandemic but did not put them on a load until this year.

I dont remember getting them set up or if they were properly vetted more than 4 years ago but based on the below as of Jun 20 2023 they would not get set up today.

They are blocked on LoadLink but still call on loads.

View attachment 1456

Empire had been aggressively trying to solicit one of our customers after calling on one of our load postings. The funny thing is they tell potential customers they have a large fleet, however, I have yet to see an Empire truck on the roads. Good to know our customer politely told them to F*** off.

PS: if you ever want to verify if a carrier is lying about their truck #, just check the FMCSA inspections. a 40+ truck operation wouldn't show 0 inspections.

We recently did a load for them. From GA to BC.

Cleared under their PARS as well.

We recently did a load for them. From GA to BC.

Cleared under their PARS as well.
Don't count on the PARS matching what was really crossed. I have had customers (ie carrier/freightbroker) that demanded we use their PARS, some shippers have a stack of the customer's (Load broker) PARS that they use.
I have also had a broker once who demanded a copy of our PARS to be sent and they subsequently put their own over top of ours to give the impression that it crossed under their PARS.

The PARS is not a good indication that it was not double brokered.
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Don't count on the PARS matching what was really crossed. I have had customers (ie carrier/freightbroker) that demanded we use their PARS, some shippers have a stack of the customer's (Load broker) PARS that they use.
I have also had a broker once who demanded a copy of our PARS to be sent and they subsequently put their own over top of ours to give the impression that it crossed under their PARS.

The PARS is not a good indication that it was not double brokered.

Yeah, but most of the time DB don't want another carrier's PARS on their paperwork as it's an immediate red flag and driver usually slap it dead center on the BOL. We also have customers with a strict no-brokering policy and they will check what PARS a shipment crossed under.

Sometimes we preclear shipments before they are loaded under our PARS so their are no delays. There are also times brokers/carriers may want to use their own PARS to track if the shipment is cleared and when it or if it has crossed the border. Many legitimate reasons to do it but when you have a company like empire with no actual trucks and no broker authority do that it is a reason for concern.
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Good day,

Any recent dealings and payment terms for these guys?
  • U.S. DOT#: 3278928
  • Address: UNIT 405 1493 FOSTER STREET
  • Number of Vehicles: 75
  • Number of Drivers: 90
  • Number of Inspections: 0

0 inspections on 75 units is very strange...
I can confirm that since June 2023, I have yet to see an Empire Truck on the road in BC.

I haven't worked with them since October 2023 but we did 19 LTL shipments for them. Low rates and slow to pay 80-110 days so a last resort for me.