Clever, funny, or regrettable company names


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2009
Hopefully this will be a fun thread........especially for a Friday!

Over the years I'm sure all of us have heard of some company names that were clever, funny or even regrettable. I was thinking specifically about the transportation industry but any other company names would be fun as well.
I just thought of these a few minutes ago:
1. Batman logistics (new company that I just saw on Link)
2. In Charge Logistics - contact name is Charles. Made me laugh because I immediately thought of the '80s TV show "Charles In Charge".
3. No BS Transport. Their logo is a bull taking a sh*t with a big red circle with a diagonal line through it. Not very professional but different none the less.

I'm sure I will think of some more......
Time is Money - no BS name
In God we Trust - you don't have to pray for these guys to be on time!
Airwolf Logistics -is that like a Liger?
Huff & Puff Transport- must be in great physical shape
Hauling Jack Shipping Service - One of my favorites
Beep Beep Express- could be interpreted in a couple of ways
She Devils Trucking LLC- proudly owned and operated, drivers are a little shy about the name ;)
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- We have a customer called Park Dick International
- Once saw a name on a truck that erects buildings, company was called Huge Erection
- I've seen some trucks driving around for an Asian seafood company called TO FU SUPERIOR

Just saw another one pop, I had forgot and used these guys a few times out of the US, Webedare lol.