anyone know what's going on at the Champlain/Lacolle border?

UPDATE: It would seem that there has been some kind of a THREAT at the Lacolle side of the border. Possibly a bomb threat. It is impossible to cross the border in either direction right now at Champlain/Lacolle
UPDATE: It would seem that there has been some kind of a THREAT at the Lacolle side of the border. Possibly a bomb threat. It is impossible to cross the border in either direction right now at Champlain/Lacolle

Just received this email alert but no specifics given:

Border Alert / Alerte frontalière – St-Bernard-de-Lacolle

The St-Bernard-de-Lacolle port of entry is experiencing a service disruption

This port of entry is currently experiencing a service disruption and border users may encounter delays. Until further notice, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) encourages you to consider the following alternate ports of entry to cross the border:

regular travellers:

Lacolle Route 221

Lacolle Route 223


commercial traffic:

Lacolle Route 221

Lacolle Route 223


Please note that not all ports of entry can accommodate commercial traffic.

The CBSA recognizes border disruptions affect both travellers and industry and we are working to restore normal border operations at this port of entry as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience while we get operations back on track.

Interruption du service au point d’entrée de St-Bernard-de-Lacolle

Une interruption du service affecte en ce moment ce point d’entrée et les voyageurs pourraient subir des retards. Jusqu’à nouvel ordre, l’Agence des services frontaliers du Canada (ASFC) vous invite à considérer les points d’entrée de rechange suivants pour passer la frontière :

voyageurs :

Lacolle Route 221

Lacolle Route 223


secteur commercial :

Lacolle Route 221

Lacolle Route 223


Veuillez noter que certains points d’entrée ne desservent pas le secteur commercial.

L’ASFC est consciente que les interruptions à la frontière affectent non seulement les voyageurs, mais aussi l’industrie. Nous nous efforçons de rétablir au plus vite les opérations frontalières normales au point d’entrée. Nous vous remercions de votre patience pendant que nous travaillons à régler la situation.


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UPDATE: It would seem that there has been some kind of a THREAT at the Lacolle side of the border. Possibly a bomb threat. It is impossible to cross the border in either direction right now at Champlain/Lacolle

You're right - CBC is reporting a bomb threat.
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