Unit 100 15157 56 Ave Po Box 39089
Surrey, BC V3S 9A0
Be very cautious if you decide to use Acme Transport out of Surrey, BC. We caught them aggressively back-soliciting our customer by refusing our request to handle a shipment, then immediately offering their services to the shipper/customer. Luckily, we have very loyal customers who immediately told us of Acme’s aggressive back-solicitation and refused their offers. We confronted Kevin Kailay, the owner of Acme Transport, who did not deny anything and showed zero regret. We have put them on our DNU, and warned all our partners in the Surrey/Vancouver area to be very careful in dealing with Acme Transport or Kevin Kailay.
Unit 100 15157 56 Ave Po Box 39089
Surrey, BC V3S 9A0
Be very cautious if you decide to use Acme Transport out of Surrey, BC. We caught them aggressively back-soliciting our customer by refusing our request to handle a shipment, then immediately offering their services to the shipper/customer. Luckily, we have very loyal customers who immediately told us of Acme’s aggressive back-solicitation and refused their offers. We confronted Kevin Kailay, the owner of Acme Transport, who did not deny anything and showed zero regret. We have put them on our DNU, and warned all our partners in the Surrey/Vancouver area to be very careful in dealing with Acme Transport or Kevin Kailay.