I see that Trillium Roadways, LLC (MC1556898) has a similar mailing address (different unit number) and a 647 area code which does not match the Trillum Roadways (MC556784) but is a GTA phone number. They are most likely related in some way but it looks like they are trying to start a US entity - probably to get cheaper insurance.
At this time LLC only applied for authorities but have not been approved because they are pending insurance. On July 19, 2023, FMCSA sent a letter of dismissal to LLC - they have 60 days from July 19 to obtain the necessary insurance. It may have been a good idea and an application but now they find they cannot get US insurance.
Without more information it is hard to know for sure the business relationship between the two.
At this time LLC only applied for authorities but have not been approved because they are pending insurance. On July 19, 2023, FMCSA sent a letter of dismissal to LLC - they have 60 days from July 19 to obtain the necessary insurance. It may have been a good idea and an application but now they find they cannot get US insurance.
Without more information it is hard to know for sure the business relationship between the two.