Cheap Freight of the day

Nah what he meant was someone that a moved a load ON to NL for example but quoted the original move as a round trip, say 8k. All their costs are covered + profit.

They then take the one way as "icing on top" so to speak

I know exactly what he meant LOL but finding a client that's paying round trip to anywhere is gonna be a fun time.
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With Transimex I am going to say they offered a whooping $250. If they did not ask you to send a cheque for the honor of pulling their freight. Not worth a call.

We find it funny but these folks think this is realistic and what freight should be moving for, just goes to show how out of touch with reality the industry is. Im sure someone will snag these up.

These are the people we are competing with, they are the ones that are promising the world to the clients you have been servicing for years without hiccups and getting the job done by any means necessary, all to be slashed by cheap rates and "tech"
We find it funny but these folks think this is realistic and what freight should be moving for, just goes to show how out of touch with reality the industry is. Im sure someone will snag these up.

These are the people we are competing with, they are the ones that are promising the world to the clients you have been servicing for years without hiccups and getting the job done by any means necessary, all to be slashed by cheap rates and "tech"
Yes but we as carrier's are our own worst enemies. If everyone would just say no all it takes is a couple days for rates to change. If you are offered a load and you are going too lose money on it and know it. Why in the hell is it on the truck? Darn thing may as well be parked against the fence as pounding down the road at a loss. I get it we all have them trips but to take outbound at a loss is just dumb IMHO.. Getting stuck somewhere in nowhere USA yes we have all and will all probably continue to take what you can find so long as decent I will come home 2500 miles empty before giving some slob the satisfaction of knowing he bent me over with cents per mile, buck a mile shit. Told many a broker I am in the wind before I pull it at that rate.
Yes but we as carrier's are our own worst enemies. If everyone would just say no all it takes is a couple days for rates to change. If you are offered a load and you are going too lose money on it and know it. Why in the hell is it on the truck? Darn thing may as well be parked against the fence as pounding down the road at a loss. I get it we all have them trips but to take outbound at a loss is just dumb IMHO.. Getting stuck somewhere in nowhere USA yes we have all and will all probably continue to take what you can find so long as decent I will come home 2500 miles empty before giving some slob the satisfaction of knowing he bent me over with cents per mile, buck a mile shit. Told many a broker I am in the wind before I pull it at that rate.

I'm with you on that, Rob. The problem is, many don't comprehend. This conversation can go in many directions, but I don't want to get anyone's panties in a twist, so I digress.
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