Nocona Transport 613-263-9267


New Member
He took a load from us that had a 9:00 appointment on Monday in Toronto. He picked upon Friday in Montreal and said he had no problem delivering to Walmart at the appointment time.

When we called him at 8:00 to see if everything was ok, he said his driver left his place at 7:00 and it was a 3 hours drive to Walmart.

Doesn't look like he tried very hard to make a timely delivery and we all know that Walmart charges when you are late.


New Member
We have been leaving messages since 10:00 with this guy to find out if receiver accepted the load.

He just answered us saying his truck will arrive in about an hour.

I find this happens quite a bit with Wal-mart type deliveries. It's unfortunate because you probably have never dealt with them before and the load itself probably doesn't cover the cost of the fine.

I've learned that lesson myself in the past. I find the best way is to use a carrier that either a ) you have a balance owing from which you can deduct or b ) be nice, don't say much and give him a simpler load in which it will create a balance from which you can deduct.

Carriers like this do not realise that they jeopardize clients and need to be taught that the industry can not survive with people working like this.

What carriers often forget is that they do this, the broker loses the client, doesn't get paid, goes bankrupt and in turn, many more carriers are affected. Its a small circle in the end and if everyone paid more attention to detail; it would be a lot simpler


New Member
The load still hasn't been delivered and the guy can't be reached. I think we will report it stolen and see if this get's results


New Member
Found out that the insurance isn't his. He typed in his phone number on another guy's insurance. He calls himself Jack and his Phone # is 613-263-9267, fax # 613-822-5882.
A reverse lookup shows his phone is a Fido cell and his fax is a bell land line. We went to the Police and filled out a report.
How can we prevent these scams ? Should we be asking the driver for his permit since we are giving them ten's of thousand of dollars or is this too much to ask ?
I would like some feedback please.


New Member
Load reported stolen. Got a call from a guy in Toronto who also got taken by this guy.

How can we protect ourselves ?


Site Supporter
The only way to protect yourself is to stop using people you do not know as long as WE all randomly give loads to anyone we call (even though we kid ourselves the we check up on them) this will continue to happen.


Site Supporter
What I am saying is if you have been in this business for any length of time you must already have established carriers running Montreal to Toronto that you trust - why even use the Link? I'm not trying to start anything here but for 50 or 100 dollars more you could have someone you know and trust do the load and save yourself a lot of hassle and possibly a customer. Our biggest problem in this industry is trust, we are willing to give a load to a complete stranger with very little information to make a few more dollars. Trust me we have done the same thing with the same results - we are now willing to spend more and make sure the job gets done.


Well-Known Member
As long as you give shipments to carriers that you have no history with you are simply throwing the dice and hoping.
You wouldnt hire someone to answer the phone in your office without checking their referances first, but somehow we hire carriers based on price and availability only. We need to think more about the potential liablilty if something goes wrong and less about the potential $pread if everything goes right.

1. Ask for referances, and check them out.
2. Once you find a good carrier dont be afraid to keep giving them the same regular move, instead of shopping everything around for the best price.
3. Verify their insurance with the insurance company info given.
4. Most importanly, trust your gut. If something does not smell right there is usually a reason for it.
5. When in doubt, back away and find someone you are comfortable with.

Most load brokers brag that they have a stable of thousands of carriers that they deal with. Why? You can cover 90% of North America with a dozen good reliable carriers and eliminate the chance of dealing with some of the clowns that get written up on this site.


New Member
The company's identity was stolen. Carriers send their " package " to brokers all the time. The fraud artist had all of the permits and insurance of a good company. We checked the good company and everything was ok. He picked up the load and never delivered it. This is a call we got from the Link. A carriers identity can be used at any time and any broker can get a load stolen at any time. I will ask again, how do we prevent this, by not sourcing new carriers and getting rid of the Link ?


Site Supporter
This is confusing is Nocoma a good company?
If so did you call their numbers off the link?
Did the con artist open an account with the link saying he was Nocoma and Nocoma had no idea this happened?


New Member
Nocona ( victim of identity theft)
Used phone number on the authorities / insurance which showed ontario office ( printed on by con artist because Nocona has no Ontario office)
con has an account with link under another name ( Not nocona )
This happened 3 times to Nocona in the same week as per the CEO. All by the same con artist