Cannabis Shipments


Active Member
Can anyone assist me in knowing if I need special insurance coverage for doing Cannabis haulage?
Been offered loads but want to be sure I am covered


Active Member
Insurance broker unsure of the rules and didn't know if it followed under the same regulations as alcohol


Site Supporter
What kind of documentation has your shipper required from you? If they own the product and want it shipped, they should have some idea, it's their business for goodness sake!


Active Member
I also inquired re: this "subject" one issue brought to me was first, insurance companys will not insure anything "illegal" now before you say its legal here, problem is most insurance company's are foreign based (as main office U.S. or Europe) so they can not insure anything that is "deemed illegal". Second depending on "value" of shipment "look out" premium is up there. Then depending on product your trailer may have cleaning issue's! Then if said trailer cross's border with a standard product/shipment of goods, do the "dogs" go crazy with the odor (hmm fun time with customs). I quickly said no thanks. Security question while transporting was a question, driver training with regards to product/security, policy's/procedures in the event of "issue/problems, break downs on side of road!!! To much for me.


Active Member
Watch doing Cannabis shipments as sometimes you need escort as well
Very risky loads

Michael Ludwig

Well-Known Member
That is problem with insurers now a days
we do all the work for them and they reap the benefits

That is sooo untrue. If you have a good broker, there is very little work you have to do beyond detailing what your fleet consists of, what it does, and where it goes. A good broker takes care of everything else for you.

As for cannabis loads, my broker does know what to do. It was my decision not to partake in that business at this time.